Monday, December 28, 2009

Life currently - Hard Times

Now, I'm still searching for the right job. It is a hard time these days for a biotech engineer to get a job. So, I decided to find any odd jobs that I can get my hands on... Desperate times does need desperate measures, but this doesn't mean that I have to exclude my principles... Any of you guys wanna share your comment or stories on this matter, do be happy to pitch in. :-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tragedi Di Waktu Sekolah Menengah...

Masa tue x salah aku, aku dalam form 3. Ada satu kejadian yg teramat la sengal berlaku. Tp kena citer pasal rupa bangunan asrama aku dulu la, tue yg faktor penting pun. Asrama aku tue 3 tingkat n bilek aku kat tingkat dua n tempat kitorang prep tu sebelah je dgn asrama dalam 20 tapak dgn selipar jepun masa tue lebih kurang. Masa tue dok asrama n biasa la asrama ada waktu prep (korang yg xpernah mjejakkan kaki ke asrama tue mungkin xtau prep tu ape, nasib korang la ek), abis je prep, aku blk bilek nak amik kelengkapan lukisan aku (masa tue masuk pertandingan lukis poster utk sekolah. hu3x) n pi ke tingkat 3 sbb ada bilik extra study. Masa ni dah lewat la jugak, dah masa "lights off", so bilek semua gelap kecuali lampu koridor je pasang. Aku pun buat la keje lukisan aku sampai la dalam pukul 2pg, masa tue udara pun dah stat sejuk ala2 cameron highlands gitu, aku dah menggeletar n ngantuk, so, aku pun turun tangga tu dgn ganas sampai bbunyi2 "flip-flop" selipar jepun aku. Aku masuk la bilek aku yg cuma diterangi lampu koridor dari luar, tibe2, aku tdengar suara mengejutkan aku yg memanggil2 nama aku, "Ikhsan.... Ikhsan....". Pergh, cuak gila aku masa tu, aku pun cari la mana datang bunyi tu. Tibe2, aku ternampak 3 pasang kaki manusia yg berselimut di katil atas yg sedang mgeletar bagai nak gila... Aku pun dah boleh agak2 ape yg terjadi, aku pun nak sakat la diorg yg tgh mgeletar tue, aku pegang kaki salah sorang, terus mengelejat mamat tu menjerit, "Ah!!! Dia dah pegang kaki aku!!! Dia dah pegang kaki aku!!!". Aku pun cakap,"Weh, apehal korang ni, panggil nama aku gaya hantu, pastu menggeletar semcm je td. Apehal? Korang kena sampuk ke?". Pastu diorg cerita kat aku bahagian cerita diorg. Rupa2nya, masa diorg blk prep lewat, on the way masuk pintu asrama tu, daripada bawah diorg nampak lembaga hitam yg besar sangat kat pintu depan bilik kitorg, pastu tibe2 lembaga tu hilang n pintu tertutup sendiri. Diorg dah pikir bukan2 dah masa tu tp buat2 mcm xde ape yg berlaku (padahal "lembaga" tu aku yg baru nak kuar bilek dgn barang lukisan yg penuh kat tangan n nak cepat). Kat bilek, disebabkan esoknya cuti, diorg pun sembang la sakan sampai pukul 2pg, tibe2, diorg terdengar gegaran n bunyi "flip-flop" dari tangga n pintu bilik xsemena2 terbukak sendiri n tertutup sendiri. Diorg dah jd cuak gila (tu yg masing2 berselimut. Ha3x). Masa tu yg sorang ni ingatkan tu mungkin aku sbb perasan aku x blk bilik lg jd dia panggil la nama aku dalam keadaan mgeletar (aku pulak ingatkan ada hantu ke, ape ke). Pastu yg masa aku pegang kaki mamat sorg ni, diorg betul2 ingat ada hantu tarik selimut diorg, tu yg terjerit2 mcm pompuan... (Ha3x. Aku kalau terkenang balik yg ni, leh pecah perut gelak.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Little Adventures Continues...

I remember one time when I cycled away like a lightning from a pursuing dog and went to the downhill slope road. I was relieved when I got down that hill because no dogs has ever got the guts to pursue me down the hill. But I think that day, I got slapped by fate when my bicycle went wobbly and out of control. Then, I accidentally hit one of the resident's roadside plant vase and that vase cleaved in two and I went head first straight to the road pavement and got knocked-out for a few seconds. When I came to, I realized that the owner of the vase is opening the front door. Thinking that I don't need any extra helping of trouble and aggravation, I picked-up my bicycle and zoom away in a flash. Man, for me, that memory still gets me the giggles now and then.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Little Adventures

When I was in my primary school days, right after school during the afternoon, I'd love to venture around the residential place. The residential area is very large and comprises of numerous hills and bogs. So, as a kid, I would go downhill about 150m long with my mountain bike towards a low-priced residential area down the hill, what a thrill! The downhill was really steep and its a straight road down. I was an adrenalin junkie back then. I always use that same route to run from dogs that tried to pursue me. I would spend my afternoons hiking uphill, downhill and travelled a bit into small forest, trying to be Indiana Jones. Man, that was those days...